Current role: Design Director, Studio North
Career path: Post graphics degree - 12 years in graphic design, working across a range of companies including 5plus architects, Rare Breed, HTA Design LLP, Black & Ginger. Progressing from Graphic Designer, to Senior Designer, to Lead Designer and now Design Director.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the whole concept of a career for life, particularly since moving to full time freelance photography in July. There are so many creative career paths and I wanted to find out more about the different routes people have taken to get to where they are now. Are they traditionally linear routes or a bit more chequered like my own and does that matter? I caught up with Holly to find out more about her career in graphic design, her advice for anyone looking to get into the same field and whether there’s anything she’d do differently if she could go back.
Warm and open to talk to, Holly and I met for a much needed hot drink at Ducie Street (if you’re a coffee shunner like me, the hot chocolate is well worth the trip!) With a fleeting thought about pursuing a career in prosthetics, Holly’s always known she wanted to do graphic design. Starting with a GCSE (which I didn’t know was even an option), then A Level graphics, an Art Foundation at Leeds College which gave valuable exposure to other areas of design and onto Liverpool John Moores. It seems like a number of earlier influences have given Holly clarity about what she wanted to do and I loved hearing about the day return ticket from her dad for a solo trip to London, aged 16. It was during that trip she decided she wanted to live in London and after university she did, for 9 years! Whilst there she built experience working across different agencies and progressed from a Junior to Senior Designer.
It’s just over 3 years now since Holly made the move back up North to be closer to family. Heading back to Liverpool for a brief stop at a smaller creative agency, Holly has been at Studio North for 3 years, becoming Design Director in September. With 12 years industry experience (including an early stint working on HS2!) to look back on, I asked Holly for her top 3 tips for anyone just starting off:
Get as much experience as you can through different placements before taking a job. After uni it can be difficult to get straight into an agency but using the time to gain varied experience through placements will give you a better insight into the industry.
Build your own community through networking. The mutual support and collaboration is invaluable.
Work in a few different companies to get a feel for which is the best fit for you. You might prefer a smaller company, or something larger scale. Each has its pros and cons.
It was particularly encouraging to hear about the shift Holly has seen in approaches to work/life balance from more junior staff which have in turn influenced her. People give their all during the working day but appreciate that there is life and other commitments outside of the 9-5. The team strikes just the right balance between a playful work environment and getting the job done. Whilst COVID has opened up greater opportunities for working remotely, which is great when you have something that needs complete focus, in Holly’s view you can’t underestimate the value of face to face working. Many of the impromptu and casual office conversations are where a lot of ideas are shared or tested out. You can’t underestimate the importance of these discussions and experiences, even more so when you’re just starting out.
It’s clear how much Holly enjoys the team she works with and the enthusiasm she has for her industry. She comes across as a pragmatic person, generous with her time and happy to share her knowledge with those just starting out, as evident from her mentoring junior graphic designs and arranging their industry placements. Her career path to date follows a more direct route and I was almost expecting Holly to say she had a clear route all the way into the future so it was interesting and, in a way, reassuring to hear she doesn’t have her future completely mapped out and seems open to other possibilities, whatever they may be.
Follow Holly on LinkedIn to find out more about the work she’s doing including her ladies wine and dine events.
More ‘Meet the creatives’ coming soon…